Relieve stress
& take away worry "F-A-S-T"
with Jin Shin Jyutsu

"Each of us is the artist and the creator.
Without imagination, one gets nowhere."
— Mary Burmeister
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient form of healing from Japan. It translates as "The Art of the Creator through the Man of Compassion" or simply put, the "Art of Happiness." It was brought to the United States by Mary Burmeister, who had the privilege of studying with Master Jiro Murai, the man responsible for restoring the knowledge of Jin Shin from the ancient Japanese text of the Kojiki, dating back to the eighth century.
Jin Shin Jyutsu works on all levels---physical, mental, emotional and spiritual---to restore us to our optimal state of health. It is a gentle, yet powerful form of healing that opens up and fortifies the energetic meridians in our body which have shut down due to stress or the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, etc.
Experience the benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu for yourself! Contact Rhonda at (970)729-0082 or email her at to schedule a
60-minute session or a self-care class for you and your family, friends, and community members.
What to expect in your session:
- You will be fully clothed, with the exception of removing your shoes.
- Your session will last a full hour.
- You will feel a sense of calm and relaxation. Many people fall asleep!
- You will receive self-help tips which you can apply after to continue the effects of your treatment.
Listen to an interview with Jack Llewellyn from the Durango Chamber of Commerce about the benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Read my featured article in E.P.I.C. Conscious Living Magazine